The Way of the Future, The Way of the Future, The Way of the...
I saw part of Back to the Future 2 on TBS today (remember when sequels had numbers at the end of their titles?). Noticed something (besides how much over-acting there is). There's a scene where, in 2015, a big holographic shark advertising Jaws 19 terrorizes Marty in the street. "Shark still looks fake" he says. Well, yeah. It's a CGI image straight outta the 80's. He'd probably think different if he saw Poseidon or Lord of the Rings or any movie made a decade before 2015. It's useless being a prophet. Did anyone in the 80's imagine that in twenty years a worldwide communications system would allow half the world (the connected half anyway) to learn about anything, buy anything, and say anything (including this nonsense) they wanted? Whenever I think about the future, I always think about the cars that have breathalyzer tests hooked to their starters. A car that doesn't start until you blow into it? The future is now, dude. Maybe there is something to that singularity stuff.
I also think it's funny that when Biff takes over the world in the 80's, he's essentially a 70's oil billionaire. Even when people imagine the present, they're imagining the past.
I also think it's funny that when Biff takes over the world in the 80's, he's essentially a 70's oil billionaire. Even when people imagine the present, they're imagining the past.